Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wal-Mart and China get stronger, America gets weaker

I have never made bones about my not liking Wal-Mart, for lots of reasons. The main reason is the effect on the American economy of sourcing most of its goods in China, where labor is cheap, rather than in this country, where people need good jobs. My new complaint is that Wal-Mart is selling "organic" foods that aren't really -- they're factory-farmed lookalikes that can fool people into thinking that they're doing something good for themselves and the environment.

The only way to stop this behemoth is to with our dollars. Just say NO to Wal-Mart! Check out this video ad, then read about Wal-Mart's effect on a country addicted to low prices and join the America's Campaign to Change Wal-Mart.

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